来源: 环球网校 2016-10-19 15:13:05 频道: 托福






1. 无污染;
2. 太阳能资源非常丰富;
3. 在偏远的地方也能行得通。



1. 占据很多空间,需要25%的城市空间来供整座城市用电;
2. 要储存太阳能,人们必须使用电池,而用来制造电池的材料非常稀少,如铅;
3. 如果位于偏远地区,维修就不便利,而且维修太阳能也需要高科技。




The lecture opposes the view mentioned in the reading with strong supporting evidences presented, aiming to further illustrate that solar energy is not a better alternation for oil and nuclear energy.

Firstly, from the perspective of population, the professor states his doubt, because according to the lecture, although solar energy is clean and safe, it takes up almost 25% of the city area to set up unnecessary equipment, in order to support the energy use of the whole city.

Moreover, judging from the source of the energy, the professor holds a different view, as the lecture further illustrates that in order to store the energy, people must use battery. The material to make battery is rare, such as lead, regardless of the adequacy of raw materials in obtaining the energy.

Last but not least, on the point of the location of the manufacturer, the professor never fails to express his concern, because in terms of the listening, base stations, which are located in the remote areas, require regular repair to sustain the normal function. And it is not convenient, especially when considering the high requirement of technology.




1. 影响生态平衡,狼多了,麋鹿的数量就减少了;
2. 影响当地经济,牧场主抱怨自己的羊群被狼吃了之类的事;
3. 威胁到人的安全,当地人害怕狼。



1. 不但不影响生态平衡,反而促进。没有狼,那种以麋鹿开头的动物越来越多,狼回归了之后,麋鹿这种动物终于减少了一点,这样生态慢慢平衡;
2. 狼只在野生动物少的时候才会捕食家畜,而且就算捕了,政府也会赔偿牧场主,不会影响他们的收入和当地经济;
3. 很少有记录说狼袭击人,人只是本身害怕,而不是因为狼、狼嚎吓人。




The lecture opposes the view mentioned in the reading with strong supporting evidences presented, aiming to further illustrate that it is positive to let the wolf pack back into the ecology.

Firstly, from the perspective of eco-balance, the professor states his doubt, because according to the lecture, without the existence of predators, the population of elk keeps growing in the area, which has deteriorate the vegetation. The return of wolf is an effective measure to bring the number of elk back to normal.

Moreover, judging from the economic loss of local ranchers, the professor holds a different view, as the lecture further illustrates that wolves will not hunt livestock until there is little prey in the wild. And even if the animals in the farm are hurt, the local government will remedy for the loss.

Last but not least, on the point of safety, the professor never fails to express his concern, because in terms of the listening, there is few records of wolf attack. The only reason why human beings are afraid of wolf is that the wolf howls like a threat.




Reading: Harappan(哈拉帕,一个古代群落)衰落的原因:
1. 游牧部落的侵略,而且Harappan 的画和其他东西都表明Harappan 没有军队;
2. 气候变化导致农业减产,没有足够的剩余食物供养更多的人口;
3. 流行病大范围传播,并且喝的水污染了,传染扩大。


Listening: 反对:
1. 被侵略的城市只是Harappan 的很小一部分,Harappan 很大,少部分被侵略不会影响整个群落的衰落;
2. 同时期其他两个群落,如埃及和美索不达米亚也遇到了气候变化,但是他们适应了环境,他们能够生产出足够的食物来维持人口;
3. 说Harappan 有足够的水源,而且Harappan 在过滤水方面很先进,因此大范围的污染是不可能的,而且传染病更不能大范围传播。




The speaker contradicts the content in the reading paragraph, focusing on the three reasons for the demise of the Harappan people.

Firstly, the statement in the reading paragraph says that evidence from their remaining paintings and other relics suggest they had no army and they couldn't survive the intrusion. While based on the speaker's account, the cities invaded only comprise a small part of the whole community, which will exert a minor influence on the whole, if there is any.

Secondly, from the reading content, one reason why Harappan disappeared is due to severe and dramatic climatic change, which leads to sharp decline of food supply, and then it is not surprising that the community lost their base for a living. Conversely, the speaker argues against this assertion by introducing another two communities- Egypt and Mesopotamia, both of which underwent the climatic change as well, and were capable of adjusting to the environment.

Finally, the third reason the reading paragraph provides is the far-reaching epidemic, as well as contaminated drinking water that poisoned the citizens. However, according to speaker, drinking water is sufficient and the Harappan made use of relatively advanced water-filtering facilities. Therefore, the community was not likely to suffer from infected water, and the epidemic was not able to spread widely.


1. 冰块样本的核糖核酸(RNA)分析,有复合生物的核糖核酸(RNA);
2. 一种常常在火山口生活的细菌也存在湖里,因此说明有火山提供能量来源;
3. 一种湖里有寄生细菌,因此湖里有更高级的寄助物 。


1. 冰块被不干净的钻探设备污染;
2. 湖里有通道和海洋连接,因此这些细菌可能来自海里;
3. 寄生菌有两种生存方式,要么寄生在寄主上,要么独自生存。




None of the three hypotheses proposed in the reading can effectively prove there are complex organisms in the lake under the glaciers in Antarctic.

Firstly, from the perspective of the unknown RNA sample in the iceberg, the professor states his doubt, because according to the lecture, the sample taken from the iceberg may have been polluted by the equipment in the exploration and is not effective enough.

Moreover, judging from the possible energy source bacteria, the professor holds a different view, as the lecture further illustrates that the bacteria may have floated from nearby sea, as the lake is proven to have connected the nearby sea, where the bacteria active along the crater are sufficient.

Last but not least, on the point of parasite, the professor never fails to express his concern, because in terms of the listening, the parasite could live either on host organisms or independently, and this is not necessarily to prove the existence of complex organisms.



1. 加拿大政府做了一项调查,16 岁以下的年轻人当中,不足25%会说这种语言;
2. 现在工作场所必须要使用国际化的语言;
3. 电视和媒体很少有这个语言的节目。



1. 调查不精确,因为很多年轻人说这种语言的现代版本;
2. 很多本土渔民也经常买东西,他们只会说这种语言,所以双语的人才吃香;
3. 现在年轻人喜欢上网,在社交网站他们会用这种语言聊天。




The lecture opposes the view mentioned in the reading with strong supporting evidence presented, aiming to further deny the decrease in population adopting the traditional dialect in Canada.

Firstly, from the perspective of the accuracy of the survey, the professor states his doubt, because according to the lecture, the survey is not accurate enough as a great number of young people use the modern version of the language.

Moreover, judging from the scope of the language use, the professor holds a different view, as the lecture further illustrates that business surroundings have to take a large number of fishermen in the local area, who only speak the dialect, into consideration. Therefore, whoever is bilingual is more competitive in the working environment.

Last but not least, on the point of the frequency of the language use, the professor never fails to express his concern, because in terms of the listening, a multiple of young people have adopted the language to communicate online, and thus many social websites have taken this language.




美国的死谷(Death Valley)里300kg 的大石头会动,有人试着解释:
1. 风吹动的,因为存在关于山谷里有大风的纪录,而且下雨的时候,泥泞的地面变得很平,适合让风吹动石头;
2. 地下水晚上结冰,石头就能动了;
3. 人类恶搞的,比如麦田怪圈就是。



1. 没有风强到能吹动石头,并且给了张照片,石头陷在泥地里,按作者的理论,石头不应该陷下去的;
2. 是沙漠,水根本不够,且温度太高,就算晚上结冰,白天就化了,没法搬动石头;
3. 如果是人干的,那一定会留下痕迹,这种泥地里没有人能做到不留痕迹。而现场既没有人的痕迹,也没有马的痕迹。




The lecture and the reading both talk about moving stones in Death Valley. However, what the speaker states is quite different from the main point in the reading.

Firstly, in the reading, the author considers that stones are moved by wind. In contrast, the professor maintains the opinion that such strong wind that can move stones does not exist. Moreover, a photo shows that stones are entrapped in muddy area, which refutes the idea in the reading that muddy area is smooth.

Second, the reading asserts that stones can move because of the freezing water. On the contrary, the lecturer does not agree with such idea by pointing out that Death Valley is a desert, which means insufficient water. That is, the temperature in desert is so high that even if water can freeze at night, it will finally melt at daytime. Therefore, the professor considers that the freezing water theory is also suspicious.

Third, another theory in the reading refers to human, but the professor holds an opposite view that if the moving stones are artificial, there must be traces. What's more, no one can clear all clues in muddy place. It is also true that there are neither traces left by human nor those from horses. This directly contradicts what the reading suggests.



1. 储存牲口或粮食;
2. 当住所,躲避强盗的攻击;
3. 宗教用途:灵魂等候区(为死去的人提供场所,让他们等待超生)。


Listening 驳斥
1. 洞会漏雨水,储存食物不方便。在冬天Erdstall 都被淹没了,而且也没发现里面有谷类残留;
2. Erdstall 太小了,只能勉强装下一家人。而且存氧气很少,只够一个人的量。另外,只有一个入口,不太可能像为了逃跑设计的;
3. 宗教用途:如果是的话,应该所有有共同宗教信仰的村子都有,但是有的村子有,有的村子没有。




The reading and the listening both discuss the three functions of cave Erdstall. However, what the reading suggests is quite different from the main point stated in the listening.

First, in the reading, it is said that the cave Erdstall is used for good storage. On the contrary, the professor disagrees with this idea and then says that the cave leaked, so it is inconvenient to store food. Especially in winter, the cave was nearly overwhelmed. Moreover, no remains of grains could be found in the cave. This directly contradicts what the reading indicates.

Second, the author asserts that people could use the cave Erdstall to be a shelter, avoiding robbers' attack. In contrast, the speaker holds an opposite opinion that the cave Erdstall is too small to hold more than one person. In addition, the oxygen in the cave is ample for only one person as well. Moreover, one entry in the cave means that the cave was not used to escape or avoid assaults. This is another part where the listening contravenes the reading.

Third, the passage indicates that religious reincarnation for soul was executed in the cave Erdstall. Nevertheless, the lecturer refutes such view by pointing out that if the cave was treated as a ritual place, the Erdstall should have been found in every village across the whole region which shares the same religion. In fact, the Erdstall is only present in some, not all, of the villages. Thus, the religion hypothesis is also unconvincing.





1. 浪费时间,效率没有花在阅读或者数学上高;
2. 浪费钱,有这个钱还不如给那些基本教学资源都不足的学校;
3. 没用,大多数学生都不会成为音乐家,然后对于那些成为音乐家的学生来说,学校的这点设备也是不够的。


1. 研究表明,学习音乐的学生对数学和阅读的领悟力强过没学过的;
2. 每个家长不需要给自己的孩子单独买乐器,节约了成本,而且学校的乐器可以用很久,根本不会浪费钱;
3. 研究表明,学过音乐的孩子以后这种对艺术的感觉不会消失,而且教育不能只着眼于现在,要考虑让学生度过充实而精彩的一生。




The lecture refutes the view mentioned in the reading with strong supporting evidences presented, aiming to further argue that it is essential for primary schools to invest on music.

Firstly, from the perspective of efficiency, the professor states his doubt, because according to the lecture, it explains that the students who have acquired music class have a better understanding as well as efficiency in reading and math.

Secondly, judging from cost, the professor holds a different view, because referring to the lecture, parents do not need to buy their children musical instrument individually, and on the contrary, the school will offer instrument and the instrument could be sustained for long.

Thirdly, on the point of practice meaning of music class, the professor never fails to express his concern, because in terms of the lecture, the sense of music will not decay with the time going, and this sense will ensure students a colorful life.

Therefore, our education should not limit the insight merely within the current effect.



应不应该在海里建人工珊瑚礁(artificial reef)

1. 人工珊瑚礁给鱼类更多聚集和繁殖的空间,鱼类数量可以得到增加;
2. 人工珊瑚礁可以改进小渔民的竞争力;
3. 人工珊瑚礁可以用于回收无用的材料。



1. 鱼的总数不一定增加,这是因为珊瑚礁吸引鱼,所有鱼都跑到珊瑚礁那里去了,因此鱼的总数就减少了;
2. 不应该让私人搞小珊瑚礁,不然有安全问题:其他渔夫不知道的,下网以后就会出现问题。在浅水域,小船还会整个裂掉(cracks)。
3. 会引起环境问题,被风吹了会散开,然后把很多海洋植物和动物都搞死了。




The lecture opposes the view mentioned in the reading with strong supporting evidences presented, aiming to further illustrate that it is not a wise idea to build up artificial reef in the sea.

Firstly, from the perspective of habitat, the professor states his doubt, because according to the lecture, although the fish will be attracted by the coral reef and congregate around the habitat, competition for habitat and food sources will be fiercer than before. And this is harmful for the population growth.

Moreover, judging from the potential economic value, the professor holds a different view, the professor holds a different view, as the lecture further illustrates that there will be problems concerning safety. For example, the reef will make the sea even shallower, and if unfortunately some ship crosses over this area, the ship will crack.

Last but not least, on the point of natural resource, the professor never fails to express his concern, because in terms of the listening, there might be some environmental problems. When the dead reef is blown over the sea, it will bring danger to many marine plants as well as animals.

