来源: 环球网校 2020-03-24 09:47:02 频道: 新概念

We’ve all heard how damaging super-stilettos can be to feet but now experts are warning flat shoes can be just as dangerous。


Podiatrists are alarmed at the rising number of foot injuries caused by plodding around in ballet pumps and flip flops. Although comfortable,flat shoes can cause severe foot pain,bunions, shooting pains in the shins,back aches and even arthritis。


If this is not enough for you, then here’s another reason why you should ditch those frumpy flats – heels boost sex life。


Italian researchers have found women who wear a heel of one to two inches may have more fun between the sheets. The body posture adopted while wearing heels improves the pelvic floor muscles, which help to create a mind-blowing climax。



1. podiatrist n . 足病医生。

2. plod v . 沉重缓慢地走。

3. bunion n . 拇囊( 炎) 肿( 拇趾基节处与鞋帮摩擦部位出现的囊状膨出)。

4. arthritis n . 关节炎。

5. ditch v . <俚>抛弃,丢弃。

6. frumpy a . 脾气坏的。

7. pelvic floor: 骨盆底。
